Musical proverb puzzle

The following is the method to be employed in solving this puzzle. The object is to build up a sentence of three words, the sentence being a famous maxim frequently employed in music teaching.

Each line indicates a musical term and the letters composing that term have the position in the sentence to be sought, indicated by the numbers given. For instance, the answer to the first line is p.p. (pianissimo).

Now make a series of twenty numbers, thus:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Solve the remaining lines and fill in the letters under the numbers until you can make up the complete sentence.

My 1-14 very softly.
My 16-6-20 slower.
My 7 the natural scale.
My 4-2-8-13 louder.
My 3-2-6-10 a song form.
My 16-15-19 a musical declamation.
My 13-5-10-17-17 music lines and spaces.
My 18 mediant in C scale.
My 11-12 initials of first movement of a mass.
My whole of 20 letters is a musical proverb which all students of music should observe and remember.

This riddle is in the book on pages [79-80?].

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