After the seemingly successful previous discussion on the work "Imagined Seconds", we can now turn the game design eye towards a more complex work (as agreed at Twitter). I had a pleasure of tuning in to the online action during the Boston Music Festival, but I'll leave some time for your first impressions over just the score first. So please if you have thoughts from your gaming experience, please share. Here's description of the work.
There are hosts running the process and it's occuring in the "main Zoom room" and 3 breakout rooms: Tones, Sounds, Words.
In every of the four spaces, slides are being displayed. Available here:
Participants may ask to be assigned to the room and also for the specific slide to be set, and slides have "tasks" that are central to the participatory experience.
Notes from the action:
- "Tones" room — this one is certainly the most within music gaming. It has the very fun and useful method of sharing the graphic score live through Zoom "annotations" feature (first time I saw it).
- "Sounds" is more involved and is for found sound work. Personally haven't even been to this one room — the work is big.
- "Words" is huge by itself, I dived with the then present users into Q&A which was interesting to me the most even just from seeing the score beforehand.
Anyway, the great big content is there ;) may we now use the power of game design to help a bit with the structure?