Travel the apocalyptic connotations in this free improvisation game.
Print this page which will serve as a game board.
If you are beginner improvisers, we encourage you to agree on one of the end condition for the piece. These endings keep the music quite open, but simplify some decisions.
Gameplay instructions
Start at "apocalypse", follow arrows, play every stop at least once.
Game end
Here are our suggestions on how you can end the piece:
A. Don't agree on anything (as in the score, good for musicians-improvisers).
B. Go out one by one.
C. Try to end all at the same moment…
a. …individually at any spot you prefer.
b. …back at Apocalypse.
c. …right as you hit your last spot that you didn't visit before.
The a4-room has a recording for this game at:
Girilal Baars (2013), published with kind permission from the author.
Click buttons to add all relevant tags:
competitive cooptional cooperative
no-props cards dice score props
free-improv on-off (constellations) in-genre algorithm ambient loop spatial minimal
dance draw (art) gestures guess interpret listen memory kids
composers events insert narrative quick random role-play simple
dimensions rhythm speeding-up timed tonal
acapella found (+preparation) keyboard
Finish tagging (_game) (regular library entries)
Finish tagging (_non-game) (rare, mostly to hide the above buttons)