Into The Labyrinth, lvl 1


players.png ~2-10
time.png 5 min

Included in Play now set/collection.

Change pitch range and density of your improvisation to navigate through Dungeon Master's maze.


You will need a token to move over the printed game board (as seen in: Into the Labyrinth App, see also Gamemaster's notes below for more information).

Have a pen or 3 matches/sticks (re-usable, useful especially if you expect many re-plays). Optionally: additional piece of paper will be needed in case your Dungeon Master doesn't have good memory.


A percussive Player is chosen as a Dungeon Master (further abbreviated as DM) and the rest of the Players should be melodic.

Put the board in the visible place and a token on the middle one of 9 fields. The board shows "rooms" in the dungeon. DM establishes and memorizes 3 walls to form a labyrinth, they need to be on light lines (separating adjacent rooms) and should be placed so no room is locked-out.

DM should place (still mentally or on a hidden piece of paper) a treasure on one of 9 places in the maze.

Order of players is established (usually by sitting in a semi-circle towards a DM, from left to right from DM's point of view).

Gameplay instructions

Players start to improvise freely, but with some individual rhythm involved.

The game proceeds in steps:
1) DM points to the Player whose turn it is (this signals that DM is now listening to this player).
2) The active Player changes pitch or density of playing to indicate the direction of movement in the dungeon. It's best to go to the forefront with dynamics when signalling.
3) DM signals if the team bumped into the wall (sharp percussive sounds) or went through (soft sounds).
4) Depending on the success of movement DM moves a token or draws a wall (or puts a match/stick on a board to mark a wall).

Game end

Game ends when Players reach the treasure. This should be marked by DM playing triumphantly.

Gamemaster's notes

It's good to have a practice run of signals, worth noting that it's the change of overall parameter "zone" that counts, not that every pitch interval should keep the chosen direction, or every sequence of notes should increase or decrease in the density.

For variants, see: Into the Labyrinth (activity).

Display App features

  • The maze scheme might be printed, but also may be displayed on a device (and also used in online performance);
  • click on a room for movement, click on a wall for a bump, click on a note to mark success;
  • in the "display" version there is no logic in the code, a note token goes to any room that is clicked;
  • restart (f5) if you need the token outside the board;
  • you can edit labels (click and write, useful for variants);
  • apart from basic app linked directly, you can access the version with G4M page elements:

Solo app

The above remarks are important for an app you use to display the maze in live group playing.
If you want to hum your way through, you can preview the experience in Into the Labyrinth solo which generates a hidden labyrinth for you. Unfortunately it needs to count on your fair play, as your browser will not recognize the singing.


Game is in beta and is being developed by DrZdrowie and odolany. Everyone is welcome to contribute!

The rules are licensed as CC BY 4.0 with the attribution as "Games for Music"

The game is suitable for electronic instruments.

Unless stated otherwise Content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. See licensing details