Improvisation rite


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A rules-light improvisation setup.


The name improvisation rite is closely connected to Scratch Orchestra and it's founder Cornelius Cardew.

When the Scratch Orchestra publicly started off with a newspaper announcement (Cardew 1969), improvisation rites are mentioned there already among intended activities:

An improvisation rite is not a musical composition; it does not attempt to influence the music that will be played; at most it may establish a community of feeling, or a communal starting point, through ritual.

That was not entirely the case later, as you can see in the collection of rites, igitized at our wiki and available in Cornelius Cardew (ed.), Nature Study Notes.

The complexity of improvisation rites was diverse. Some are so much within our library scope that they are also included directly in an extended, commented form. In the full collection, you can find many interesting game mechanics like conversing with imaginary pigeons or giving money to other people ;). Inspiring!

See also: S. Szczelkun, Improvisation Rites (book review)

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