Notation Cards


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Cards with any type of musical notation (including but not limited to Western-classical) provided to players for performance.


Games for Music wiki strives for maximum accessibility, so notation cards are probably not a solution that you'll see here a lot, and in majority of cases it will mean that the game should be marked as "hard". However, it might be attractive both to music teachers and "serious composers" and in both cases, the game as a ruleset often plays "second fiddle" to cards content which will be aesthetically centered.

As for the library, there will be an overlap of "notation card games" with our score tag, but some of them use notation e.g. outside of cards. We'll speak about notation cards if they serve a function of cards, like randomization, hidden information, etc. This applies to:

Obviously with graphic scores the line between notation and inspire cards will be blurred. Bigger cards that also are used for signalling between players will cross the typology towards cue cards. Hypothetically, Rhythm cards will always be a type of notation cards albeit with more or less popular notation involved. Let's not drown in typology though.

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