Most "apps" use the wikidot engine to combine content from different parts of the wiki. We call these random scores. First of those is available at: — the newer method of making random scores is app category which removes the left menu from the page. Here are all pages in this category:
- A Single Cue
- Bingo Card
- Bubbles
- Constellation Game
- Goose
- GOTO Score
- Into The Labirynth App
- Into The Labyrinth Solo
- Random score (horizontal)
External apps / embedding / app-assisted music games
- Aleatoricism
- Found Sound
- In C (Terry Riley)
- John Cage
- LH159 Pop Rite
- Music Memo (online)
- Music Replay (online)
- Musikalisches Würfelspiel
- Patch Exchange
This page will help you use and create apps for content. It may serve as a placeholder for all shared assets like javascript libraries etc.
The combo sandbox app is on hold, but available at: You can discuss its future features in the forum. It's intended usage is to make easy playable examples for existing games as an aid in explaining the rules, instead of some stand-alone helpers for this purpose.