The list below shows all citations on the wiki (as long as the page uses the cite module for that purpose). The references should be in Chicago author-date formatting style. Links are usable but not highlighted. You can click on the entry's "scroll icon" to learn which page cites it and how to use it in the article that you're editing.
📜 Chase, Stephen Timothy. 2006. “Improvised Experimental Music and the Construction of a Collaborative Aesthetic.” PhD diss., University of Sheffield.
📜 Chou, Gabrielle. 2023. “Play Makes Perfect: An Exploration of Game and Play Elements in Composition and Performance.” PhD diss., City University of New York.
📜 Flusser, Elisabeth. 1983. “Approche du Jeu Musical.” Thesis for the musician-animator diploma, Chalon/Saone.
📜 O'Neill, Matthew. 2020. “Facilitating an Empirical Understanding of the Free Improvisation Environment: A Progressive Set of Games Focusing on Listening, Space, and Feedback.” PhD diss., Texas Tech University.
📜 Weiss, Philipp. 2017. “Game Pieces and Game Elements.” Master's thesis, Royal Conservatoire The Hague.
There are 78 references defined in this module so far.
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