Links to games outside of the wiki

This table presents all music-related games that were found on the internet. Additionally there are non-musical titles, if they are used somewhere on the wiki as a reference, or game-style components without specified rules (card decks, or sets of musical dice).

With non-musical omitted:
by title
by author
by availability
by year

117 links here (see all).

Would you like to make this list longer?

The links here are to games outside of our wiki. They appear throughout the page in tables like above but shorter.

Some links have an image (small size), preferably of the game's cover (e.g. from Board Game Geek). We consider that fair use, similarly to book covers.

Please add games where players make sounds. If the connection is only through a theme or topic, please add the game only if it is needed on the specific list, and mark it clearly in the description. To add a game, start with the game title below:

If you think anything should be added to this subpage, please drop a hint or a link for future editors.

Unless stated otherwise Content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. See licensing details