Pair Cues

Can you fingerclick? Teach someone, learn from someone or compare fingerclicking techniques.

Can you fingerclick? Teach someone, learn from someone or compare fingerclicking techniques.

Clap 3 or 4 times together with someone

Clap 4 or 3 times together with someone

Count ~5 seconds in silence, slap your laps 5 times and wait for applause

Find someone who slaps laps 5 times and applaud them

Slap your laps 7 times and wait for applause

Find someone who slaps laps 7 times and applaud them

Place 9 stomps between 10 claps

Clap 10 times; await something between the claps

Do a short body percussion pattern with a few techniques — it should be repeated

Repeat a whole pattern after someone

You are odd and can't make any cues. Clap in such a way that everyone denies you.