Play now

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This set/collection will help you play now. It includes items where only your digital device or your voice is needed:

Included in Play set/collection.

In texts:

sddefault.jpg In C (Terry Riley) (wiki)
a classic piece, but an app for it exists
20150918154755%21John_Cage_%281988%29.jpg John Cage (people)
important and famous musical innovator
11275288753_0ee89294dc_z.jpg Aleatoricism (glossary)
you can interact with Lutosławski's take on aleatoricism
photo-1429743305873-d4065c15f93e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1167&q=80 Random score (_default)
A collection of random musical cues from all wiki's content put together as a graphic score

In pieces:

4864861493_7ccc201feb_k.jpg Into The Labyrinth, lvl 1 (game)
includes an app for solo tries
27333373198_e8868f2dca.jpg Stay In Character (game)
check a "Melody" character for a solo run, if you know a bit of music theory
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