This item is not in the library — it is a part of: Games For Musicians (Richard Reason).
Mark on the ground a large stave and treble clef (e.g. use chalk on concrete or string on grass).
Your feet are notes, — jump, hop and move but always play or sing the note(s) where you land. If you are singing agree on the same C before you begin.
This game can be used either educationally with children, or many people performing a piece, or improvising.
To make it more difficult add a bass clef, a rhythm element, use bar lines etc.
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competitive cooptional cooperative
no-props board cards dice score props
free-improv on-off (constellations) in-genre algorithm ambient loop minimal
dance gestures guess interpret listen memory kids
composers events insert narrative quick random role-play simple
dimensions rhythm speeding-up timed tonal
found (+preparation) keyboard words
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