Andante con moto.

This item is not in the library — it is a part of: Games For Musicians (R. Reason).

[This text is written over a grand staff, 3/4 meter marked]

preface [under a fermata]

[violin clef] I was sitting in a crowded open-type compartment on the 16-30 from Liverpool St. to Ipswich and was eating my tea consisting of a pork pie and three tomatoes; I was just

[bass clef] biting into my third tomato when it suddenly spurted across the compartment showering a middle-aged lady with pips & juice — over her hair and full length of her white

[violin clef] raincoat. A few people looked up but soon settled back into their literature. The lady first looked at the ceiling suspiciously and then realised the source. I had an uncontrollable urge to laugh.

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