[Fingernail Piece]

This item is not in the library — it is a part of: Games For Musicians (R. Reason).

C C♯ D D♯ E F F♯ G G♯ A A♯ B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Each player in turn shakes dice ten times. For each number he writes the corresponding note on the fingernail of the player on his left, starting on his L.H. fingernail and working to the right.

This process is repeated until all players have marked fingernails.

Then they play any number of pianos. Each finger must only play the note written on it (transposed to any octave).

Var I (Cornelius Cardew)

Each player draws anything on his L.H. player's fingernail(s).

An improvisation rite takes place.
Your participation ceases when the marks have been erased by another player or by yourself.

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