This item is not in the library — it is a part of: C. Cardew (ed.), Nature Study Notes (full, 1969).
Commence improvising discontinuous music. In the gaps in your playing: without masking their expression, allow your eyes to wander amongst your fellow players. On meeting the eyes of a fellow player: play in accordance with their expression.
Tender Glances. F: Janet Robertson.
On receipt of a tender glance, play melodically, straight from the heart./
Look around. What does your eye light on?/
On receipt of a glare, protest dramatically and waste no time./
Look around. What does your eye light on?/
On receipt of the straight gaze, gaze back and keep in tune./
Look around. What does your eye light on?/
On receipt of an enquiring look, answer as best you can./
Look around. What does your eye light on?/
On receipt of a surreptious glance, look the other way and keep moving./
Look around. etc.
(space for more lines).
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