This item is not in the library — it is a part of: C. Cardew (ed.), Nature Study Notes (full, 1969).
A bunch of assorted flowers is provided. An impartial non-performer hands one flower to each player. Look at your flower / play music or react in any way. Take the flower to pieces carefully / play music or react in any way. Take some pieces from other players giving some of your own in return / play music or react in any way. The exchange of pieces can happen as often as you choose. When a player wants to stop, he throws the pieces he has in her possession in the air.
Improvisation Rite No 2. Flower Music. Alternative ending: When a player wants to stop, he collects as many of his original pieces as he can recognize and lays them out in an orderly fashion. Any other pieces in his possession can be left in a heap ready for other players to reclaim when they choose to.
Carole Finer
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