AWEP172 Exploration/Creation

This item is not in the library — it is a part of: S. Szczelkun, Improvisation Rites.

Make free sound, experiencing your inner world as an unexplored land with many new things to discover. When inspired, feel free to leave your explorations and allow your sound-making to move into building or creating things on this land (eg. fences, walls, colourful banners that catch the wind and can be seen from afar). When inspired, feel free to leave the things you have created, and go back to discovering what is new. When inspired, feel free to go back to the things you have created, or create new ones (eg. a circle of stones around the fire, strong buildings that protect people from the elements). When inspired, feel free to return to your explorations. And so on. Consider raising a pennant or flag when you are exploring, and lowering it when you are building to help distinguish between these two modes of exploration and creation.

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