This item is not in the library — it is a part of: T. Wishart, Sounds Fun.
One-by-one add a new improvised sound at the end of the chain of sounds, but first perform the whole chain that accumulated so far and you lose a round if you forget.
Horizontal stacking provides a test of skill for participants' memory. To make memorization easier, the chain should be repeated a set amount of times (e.g. four).
Admirably, the source book doesn't play this as dropout/player elimination activity. If you forget, start a new short melody as the first chain link for the next round.
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free-improv on-off (constellations) in-genre algorithm ambient loop spatial minimal
dance draw (art) gestures guess interpret listen kids
composers events insert narrative quick random role-play
dimensions rhythm speeding-up timed tonal
found (+preparation) keyboard words
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