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acapella algorithm ambient _app board cards _cite:cc _cite:drive _cite:on-point _cite:thesis classic competitive composers _contributor _contributor-cue _contributor-link _contributor-private _contributor-sub cooperative cooptional _cue:broad _cue:graphic _cue:graphic-plus _cue:graphic-pure _cue:inspire _cue:merry _cue:short _cue:spooky _cue:twitter dance _deck _deck-parent _deck-titles dice dimensions draw easy _eg:a4 _eg:sc _eg:ubu _eg:yt _event:past events few found free-improv _game gestures guess hard high-mid in-genre insert interpret keyboard kids listen loop low-mid many memory minimal narrative _need:cite _need:cue _need:decoration _need:eg _need:explanation _need:proofreading _non-cc _non-cue _non-game _non-music _non-one _non-safe _non-special _non-time no-props on-off _order-all _order-first _order-last _print props quick random _ready _redirect _renamed rhythm role-play score _set:create _set:edit _set:learn _set:meet _set:play _set:play-band _set:play-now _set:reform _set:study simple solo _somido spatial speeding-up _sub:algorithm _sub:attention _sub:blindfold _sub:body-percussion _sub:breathing _sub:challenge _sub:cooperative _sub:easy _sub:eye-contact _sub:hard _sub:high-mid _sub:low-mid _sub:movement _sub:names _sub:repeating _sub:rhythm _sub:role-play _sub:silence _sub:some-sound _sub:sound _sub:talking _sub:touching _sub:words _tag:actions _tag:game _tag:music _tag:other _tag:people _tag:props teams timed tonal _topic:abbreviation _topic:bgg _topic:cards _topic:conducting _topic:fluxus _topic:game-design _topic:itch _topic:player-role _topic:player-types _topic:prop _topic:scratch-orchestra words

Looking for a few tags at once?

  1. Dimenional Exercises: Loud To Dirty in Dimensional Exercises
  2. Volume Diminuendo in Random score
  3. 3. the expanded glass harp / 497. Benjamin's Glass in Disquiet Junto
  4. 16. sandpaper and dice in Disquiet Junto
  5. 18. relative prominence in Disquiet Junto
  6. 41. Dirty minimalism in Disquiet Junto
  7. 45. Sherlock Sawyer in Disquiet Junto
  8. 59. Vowel Choral Drone in Disquiet Junto
  9. 91. Walking music in Disquiet Junto
  10. 137. Old-Time Electronica in Disquiet Junto
  11. 163. Layering Minutes After Midnight in Disquiet Junto
  12. 186. My Name in Disquiet Junto
  13. 187. Three Strands in Disquiet Junto
  14. 221. Morning Music in Disquiet Junto
  15. 274. Broken Sound in Disquiet Junto
  16. 282. Berio's Bach in Disquiet Junto
  17. 291. Lantern Effect in Disquiet Junto
  18. 310. From Memory in Disquiet Junto
  19. 323. Music for Meditation in Disquiet Junto
  20. 344. Careful Symmetries in Disquiet Junto
  21. 375. Despite Yourself in Disquiet Junto
  22. 384. Breath Beat in Disquiet Junto
  23. 439. Hybrid Self in Disquiet Junto
  24. 459. From a Distance in Disquiet Junto
  25. 461. Goldilocks Zone in Disquiet Junto
  26. Don't whistle until you are out of the wood. in Proverbs
  27. Use only smallest intervals available on your instrument in Dueling Bumblebees
  28. Empty 1 in Random score
  29. Empty 2 in Random score
  30. Empty 3 in Random score
  31. Empty 4 in Random score
  32. Empty 5 in Random score
  33. Empty 6 in Random score
  34. Empty 7 in Random score
  35. Empty vessels make the most sound. in Proverbs
  36. Every ass loves to hear himself bray. in Proverbs
  37. Exclamation in Random score
  38. Drum on something that ... in For a Drummer (for Eric)
  39. Drum with something that ... in For a Drummer (for Eric)
  40. Scream! in Danger Music Number Seventeen
  41. Ambient in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  42. Blues in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  43. Country in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  44. Disco in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  45. Electronica in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  46. Flamenco in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  47. Gospel in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  48. Hip-hop music in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  49. Industrial in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  50. Jazz in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  51. K-Pop in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  52. Latin in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  53. Metal in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  54. Noise in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  55. Opera in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  56. Punk in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  57. Reggae in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  58. Ska in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  59. Trance in Genres deck (Pop view, A-T)
  60. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice. in Proverbs
  61. Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds. in Proverbs
  62. Goose in Goose
  63. Goto 3 Letter in GOTO Score
  64. Goto As Many Sounds in GOTO Score
  65. Goto Body Percussion in GOTO Score
  66. Goto Combine in GOTO Score
  67. Goto Didnt Clap 1 in GOTO Score
  68. Goto Didnt Clap three times 3 in GOTO Score
  69. Goto Didnt Make Goto 4 in GOTO Score
  70. Goto First Time Seeing this line in GOTO Score
  71. Goto How Many Previous in GOTO Score
  72. Goto Less 7 in GOTO Score
  73. Goto More 2 in GOTO Score
  74. Goto More Questions in GOTO Score
  75. Goto Only Consonants in GOTO Score
  76. Goto Only Vowels in GOTO Score
  77. Goto Opposite 7 in GOTO Score
  78. Goto Read As Sentence in GOTO Score
  79. Goto Read First Letters in GOTO Score
  80. Goto Read Previous Back in GOTO Score
  81. Goto Read Previous/Next in GOTO Score
  82. Goto Say From Memory in GOTO Score
  83. Goto Slow Transition in GOTO Score
  84. Goto Spell Number in GOTO Score
  85. Goto Visit Favorite Cue in GOTO Score
  86. Happiness takes no account of time. in Proverbs
  87. He is not poor that has little, but he that desires much. in Proverbs
  88. If things were to be done twice all would be wise. in Proverbs
  89. If you dance you must pay the fiddler. in Proverbs
  90. If you laugh before breakfast you'll cry before supper. in Proverbs
  91. If you throw mud enough, some of it will stick. in Proverbs
  92. If you try to please all you will please none. in Proverbs
  93. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. in Proverbs
  94. Inspire: Arrow in Inspire Cards deck
  95. Inspire: Bell in Inspire Cards deck
  96. Inspire: Boot in Inspire Cards deck
  97. Inspire: Clock in Inspire Cards deck
  98. Inspire: Dragon in Inspire Cards deck
  99. Inspire: Elephant in Inspire Cards deck
  100. Inspire: Fireworks in Inspire Cards deck
  101. Inspire: Frog in Inspire Cards deck
  102. Inspire: Grass in Inspire Cards deck
  103. Inspire: Hammer in Inspire Cards deck
  104. Inspire: Motorbike in Inspire Cards deck
  105. Inspire: Phone in Inspire Cards deck
  106. Inspire: Scissors in Inspire Cards deck
  107. Inspire: Seagull in Inspire Cards deck
  108. Inspire: Snake in Inspire Cards deck
  109. Inspire: Talking in Inspire Cards deck
  110. Inspire: Tap in Inspire Cards deck
  111. Inspire: Toast in Inspire Cards deck
  112. Inspire: Train in Inspire Cards deck
  113. Inspire: Twister in Inspire Cards deck
  114. Inspire: Whale in Inspire Cards deck
  115. Iron fist in a velvet glove. in Proverbs
  116. It is the pace that kills. in Proverbs
  117. Learn to say before you sing. in Proverbs
  118. Make sound, any sound, preferably very loud in Les Moutons de Panurge (Frederic Rzewski)
  119. Measure thrice and cut once. in Proverbs
  120. Mend or end. in Proverbs
  121. Aggravated in Mood Cards
  122. Alone in Mood Cards
  123. Angry in Mood Cards
  124. Anxious in Mood Cards
  125. Ashamed in Mood Cards
  126. Bitchy in Mood Cards
  127. Blissful in Mood Cards
  128. Bored in Mood Cards
  129. Calm in Mood Cards
  130. Chaotic in Mood Cards
  131. Cheerful in Mood Cards
  132. Confused in Mood Cards
  133. Curious in Mood Cards
  134. Dark in Mood Cards
  135. Defensive in Mood Cards
  136. Delusional in Mood Cards
  137. Depressed in Mood Cards
  138. Disappointed in Mood Cards
  139. Dorky in Mood Cards
  140. Drunk in Mood Cards
  141. Energetic in Mood Cards
  142. Excited in Mood Cards
  143. Fearful in Mood Cards
  144. Flirty in Mood Cards
  145. Forgetful in Mood Cards
  146. Guilty in Mood Cards
  147. Happy in Mood Cards
  148. Heartbroken in Mood Cards
  149. High in Mood Cards
  150. Holy in Mood Cards
  151. Hopeful in Mood Cards
  152. Hungry in Mood Cards
  153. Intense in Mood Cards
  154. Jealous in Mood Cards
  155. Lazy in Mood Cards
  156. Lost in Mood Cards
  157. Loved in Mood Cards
  158. Moody in Mood Cards
  159. Morbid in Mood Cards
  160. Numb in Mood Cards
  161. Paranoid in Mood Cards
  162. Patient in Mood Cards
  163. Sad in Mood Cards
  164. Scared in Mood Cards
  165. Sick in Mood Cards
  166. Silly in Mood Cards
  167. Smart in Mood Cards
  168. Sorry in Mood Cards
  169. Surprised in Mood Cards
  170. Tired in Mood Cards
  171. Uncomfortable in Mood Cards
  172. Unwanted in Mood Cards
  173. Violated in Mood Cards
  174. Worthless in Mood Cards
  175. State your name, sex, occupation and age in as regimented a voice as you can manage in Matthew Lee Knowles
  176. Find a medium sized/weighted object and drop it, pick it up with ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  177. Say a word beginning with a letter 'a' in 100 Events, no 35 (M.L. Knowles)
  178. Make one high sound, then one low sound in 100 Events, no 39 (M.L. Knowles)
  179. Make two high sounds and two low sounds in 100 Events, no 39 (M.L. Knowles)
  180. Whisper the alphabet, but shout these letters: A, C, E, G, H, J, N, O in Matthew Lee Knowles
  181. Make five different sounds with your hands over your face in Matthew Lee Knowles
  182. If you can whistle, do so in Matthew Lee Knowles
  183. Speak a sentence, with each word being in a different language in Matthew Lee Knowles
  184. Say out loud the longest word you can think of in Matthew Lee Knowles
  185. Speak only using vowels, as quickly as possible in Matthew Lee Knowles
  186. Tell a beautifully absurd joke, in the direction of a month in Matthew Lee Knowles
  187. Using your hands, create sound in Matthew Lee Knowles
  188. Oscillate between a high sound and a low sound in Matthew Lee Knowles
  189. Shout "Eureka!" then start crying in Matthew Lee Knowles
  190. Make an anagram out of your name in Matthew Lee Knowles
  191. Touch the material you are reading this sentence from in Matthew Lee Knowles
  192. Mlk 530 214 in Matthew Lee Knowles
  193. See how many sounds you can make with your mouth in Matthew Lee Knowles
  194. Think about number seven. Say it aloud six times in Matthew Lee Knowles
  195. Mlk 530 375 in Matthew Lee Knowles
  196. Say out loud as many colours as you can think of as quickly as possible in Matthew Lee Knowles
  197. Say what you really think in Matthew Lee Knowles
  198. Mlk 830 Ccccc in Matthew Lee Knowles
  199. Mlk 830 Cpiyh in Matthew Lee Knowles
  200. Mlk 830 Malfas in Matthew Lee Knowles
  201. Recite the alphabet in the manner of a young child, making ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  202. Improvise a limerick ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  203. Read the following sentence as if English ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  204. Sing a nursery rhyme replacing ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  205. Invent your own word and use it convincingly in a sentence in Matthew Lee Knowles
  206. Sign the highest note you can think of then think about the lowest ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  207. Cough loudly in Matthew Lee Knowles
  208. Talk as a pirate might, for as long as you wish in Matthew Lee Knowles
  209. Make a name out of the following letters: OHENMJCRIRK in Matthew Lee Knowles
  210. Solve: 2+2 in Matthew Lee Knowles
  211. Recite a line of a poem, very quickly in Matthew Lee Knowles
  212. Mlk Ase 240 in Matthew Lee Knowles
  213. Keep breathing, in, out, in, out, in in Matthew Lee Knowles
  214. Clap quietly in Matthew Lee Knowles
  215. Mlk E Aaq in Matthew Lee Knowles
  216. Mlk E Ct100 in Matthew Lee Knowles
  217. Mlk E Ehmbog in Matthew Lee Knowles
  218. Mlk E Ihsose in Matthew Lee Knowles
  219. Mlk E Isaway in Matthew Lee Knowles
  220. Sing a nursery rhyme backwards in Matthew Lee Knowles
  221. Mlk E Sapoasbc in Matthew Lee Knowles
  222. Mlk E Sasol in Matthew Lee Knowles
  223. Mlk E Sitsob in Matthew Lee Knowles
  224. Mlk E Solemoyffn in Matthew Lee Knowles
  225. Mlk E Sreoes in Matthew Lee Knowles
  226. Mlk E Ssp in Matthew Lee Knowles
  227. Mlk Sstm in Matthew Lee Knowles
  228. Mlk E Swv in Matthew Lee Knowles
  229. Mlk E Syfl in Matthew Lee Knowles
  230. Matthew Lee Knowles, Eleven Text Scores For Pauline Oliveros, Two ... in Matthew Lee Knowles
  231. Mlk Ewcarfato Dmc in Matthew Lee Knowles
  232. Mlk Fdf in Matthew Lee Knowles
  233. tapping with flat palm over heart, imitating a slow heartbeat in Matthew Lee Knowles
  234. Mlk Iatilhsimg Aiim in Matthew Lee Knowles
  235. Mlk Iatilhsimg Tiaqaicdi in Matthew Lee Knowles
  236. Mlk Iatilhsimg Ymesas in Matthew Lee Knowles
  237. Mlk Sm Scs in Matthew Lee Knowles
  238. Mlk Sm Shs in Matthew Lee Knowles
  239. Mlk Sm Sms in Matthew Lee Knowles
  240. More haste, less speed. in Proverbs
  241. Light timbres in Mutual Prescriptions series
  242. Dark timbres in Mutual Prescriptions series
  243. Mixed timbres in Mutual Prescriptions series
  244. Interweawing timbres (making a pattern together) in Mutual Prescriptions series
  245. Like classical music in Mutual Prescriptions series
  246. Like popular music in Mutual Prescriptions series
  247. Like experimental music in Mutual Prescriptions series
  248. Like electronic music in Mutual Prescriptions series
  249. Very long sustained tones (more than 10 seconds) in Mutual Prescriptions series
  250. Sustained tones of middle durations (1-3 seconds) in Mutual Prescriptions series
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