Pieces by Tag

Acapella games have to be performed without instruments, or are at their best when performed only with singing or "singing". Many games might be adapted to voices, but unfortunately often games loose their balance when voices and instruments are combined.

GM. Game Master
Hambone. A name for body percussion in African and American context.
Heteronomous Music. Music with an external conflict introduced.
Horizon of intent. A set of desirable moves at the given stage of the game.
IEM. Improvised experimental music
Improvisation rite. A rules-light improvisation setup.
Insert game. A game easy to be made a part of other musical structures.
Inspire cards. Deck of cards that show images to interpret musically.
Instrument Preparation. Altering sounds of the instruments by placing objects on/in/around it.
Johnny. a category of a player in psychographics, plays for self-expression
Judge (role). Participant that affects only the outcome of the game.
Karaoke. Amateur singing used as a pastime, most often to a backing track and with lyrics displayed.
King-making. Game design issue that occurs in competitive games for more than two players when one's result is not dependent on one's performance.
LARP. Live action role-playing
Leader problem. See: quarterbacking

Learning curve. Characterization of progress of skill during the gaming experience.
Ludic Piece. Another name for a music game/game piece.
Ludomusical dissonance. Situation when gaming incentives in a music game lead Players to play worse music.
Meaningful Choice. A set of alternatives that provides a good experience for the person making a choice, in terms of engagement and satisfaction.
Mechanic. A subsystem of the game that regulates interaction with a game state.

HSSR56 (Shaving Rite)
I Found This Sound For You
I Will be Back in Ten Minutes
If Eyes Could Kill
In Unison (E. Williams) looking for unison event
Independent Clap
Inspiriodical get inspired by a headline
Instant Coffee (Black)
Instant Coffee (White)
Into The Labirynth App
Into the Labyrinth steer by sound
Into The Labyrinth, lvl 1 includes an app for solo tries
Into The Labyrinth Solo
I've Seen You
Jeu Des Moutons a variation over Les Moutons de Panurge piece
JNWWR37 / Winning Word Rite winning word rite
Keychange Game roll dice to change key
Leading And Guiding following sound
Leading by a Sound leading sound (extension)
LH158 Set Strategy Rite matching or opposing rite
LH159 Pop Rite dance not to a song
LH160 Green Rite
Lighting Piece
Live Music / The stave game walking on five lines
Loop Cycle enter, follow, join, leave — an algorithm
Lummi sticks
Lying Ceremony
Magic Music direct the action by the volume of music
Make Way moving over the image cards to avoid others
Marco Van Basten
Maths for Music a way of translating numbers to pitches
Mating Game animal pairs group chaos
Mechanical Fluxconcert
Melody-Go-Round passing short melodies in rhythm
Modulo Game math results in changing length of entries
Mood Guessing many moods at once
Motive calling and responding to composed motives on cards
Movement for Ears ideas for interpreting physical movement
Movement for Ears / Rumble Ball / Body Conductor
Moving Reeds
Moving Sound Bath
MPIR106 entry queue rite
MPNR21 (Night Rite) exceed your neighbour rite
MPR109 split time rite
MPSACR142 / Solo and Chorus Rite antiphonal singing rite
MSCR108 / Conversation Rite following topics rite
Mud Drop
Musical Bingo a straightforward bingo adaptation
Musical Brouhaha find your teammates by sound
Musical Chairs a parlor classic in the most musical form
Musical Dixit an adaptation of a board game played with images
Musical Tetris fitting your sounds between others
Musical Tetris, lvl 1 simple game based on rhythm and musical skill available also to non-musicians
Mutual Prescriptions series CBN's piece about range of parameters
Names & Body Percussion names loop warm-up
Names on a Pulse
Names with a Ball
Nightlife of Machines conducting results in changing length of entries
North Korean Writing
Offbeat Metronome a challenging practice method with a metronome
Offbeat Metronome / Moving Click
One Into Another (for music) an adaptation of one of surrealist games
One Round Together moving over the image cards to stay together
Opus 1 (J. Curtis)
Opus 25 (E. Andersen) object and system event
Opus 27 (E. Andersen) long violin tone event
Orchestra of the Junkyard found sound workshop
Organic Music breathing in rhythm event
Parallel Tunes improvise with verbal signals from all players
Pass the Clap Extension
Pass the Sound miming and sounding, pair by pair
Patch Exchange playing on an unfamiliar instrument
PDIR3 random quarter line-up rite
Penguins in The Cold
Perception 4 a very quiet duet
Personal Postcards postcards workshop
Phrase Dealer deal short phrases and keep players attentive
Piece for Any Number of Vocalists concurrent independent songs
Playing the Gallery
Polyfill dropping a fill-in after a your polymeters coincide
Possible Flux Performance or Postfluxgame letting the balloon go event
Postcode Percussion generating rhythms from postcodes
Prelude (NJP)
Progressions from one chord to another
P-S-Rock guessing, counting, playing three moods
Pythagorean Tree Choir
Quotas prescribed amounts of notes
Rainbow No.1 for Orchestra
Rainbow No.2 for Orchestra amateurish major scale event
Random score (horizontal)
Rhythm Ball sport with drums
Rhythmic Breathing pulsed breathing warm-up
Riff Jamming rhythmical layers
Room Score pointing to places
Rotary Jam switching duos
RSIRNT101 reading by the candle rite
Rubber Kip a quick fun shouting warm-up
Running Cues making the conductor moving to reach players with cues
Sanitas No.35
Sea-game game based on CBN's parameter piece
Shadow Piece
Shogi Composition graphic score creative process
Shuffled Cues conductor has limited options of cueing the players
Signals Game rhythm from gestures
Silent Concerto cooperating on a composition without talking
Six Stroke Phase learning polymeters process
Snippets a very short fragment of music for inspiration
Solo for Conductor
Song Association (game/mechanic) find a song with a given word and perform it (+variants)
Song of Uncertain Length bottle balancing
Song Performance (game/mechanic) sing a song with obstacles
Song Recognition (game/mechanic)
Sound Collage Game Board a board with graphic prompts to traverse
Soundtrack! illustrate a narrative
SS153 Fire Comes From Heaven
SS154 Before coming to a place wipe your feet
SS155 Willy Nilly fun sounds orated rite
SS173 Txt Rite
Staircase solos limited by note numbers
Stamp Clap Name learning names on a pulse
Stay In Character check a "Melody" character for a solo run, if you know a bit of music theory
Step In / The Echoing Well shout into the well warm-up
Stones stones found sound workshop
Stones (C. Wolff) from: Christian Wolff, Prose Collection (1968)
Supersound! coming up with new sounds
Symphony No.3, Fluxversion 1 falling of chairs event
SyndaKit pre-composed phrases interacting
Ten Arrangements for Five Performers a single arrangement
Textmusic 3 CBN's cards piece from 1975
Textures X-tech accompaniment
The Audition judged competition in subgroups
The Audition
The Birth of Music memorization and improvisation workshop
The Condensed Sound Bath
The Freemasons mysteriously stylized conducting exchange
The Freemasons
The Impersonator famous person musically illustrated
The Impersonator
The Ping Pong Ball reactions to imagined object warm-up
The Rhythm Mill move rhythm around the body warm-up
The Snake guided gestures and sounds
The Songwriter's Notebook a solitaire about/for making a song
The Tear and Fold paper inspirations workshop
The Yell sound texture in a grid
Theatrical Vocal Warmup
There’s Music in My Shoes
Think of a note...
This Instrument is Not What it Seems faking one instrument with another
Three-note Jam start from a narrow pitch set
TMCR39 / Cards Rite playing 'good' or 'bad' sounds depending on a card
Trading Fours Battle judged percussive exchanges
Transforming Breath to Sound
Travel Routes using a map for reading music
Trigger Cards Cards that trigger events
Tuning in from dissonance to consonance
Two-chord Jam improvising to two random chords
Two-chord Jam / Six-note Jam
Two-headed Soloist improvise a melody one note at a time
Uluk Rain Ritual a micro-rpg framed as a ritual
Untangle Knot
Variations on a Theme story-to-music in five steps
Vocal Band circlesongs process
Volume Waves emergent structures from adjusting your volume to other players
Waking Up Australia rhythmic warm-up with a loud stomp
Walking Score objects for musical ideas workshop
What You Hear Is What You Get (To Do) closely following the soloist
Where Are We? guessing the soundscape
Who Started It? guessing the leader of the group improvisation
Who Where What Why
Whoop Event run around and yell event
Winking Murderer: The Musical a classic children games adapted to sounds
You Made Your Bed mixing unknown samples
Zen Vaudeville shoe tapping event
Zip Zap Zop spatial reactions warm-up
Zombie Massage
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