Pieces by Tag
See also:
List of pages tagged with _game:
0' 00'' | action with amplification |
100 Events, no 35 (M.L. Knowles) | words by letters event |
100 Events, no 39 (M.L. Knowles) | cumulative low/high sounds event |
100 Yard Metronome Run | running to music event |
15 Cards | playing by images in set order |
#1722 Your Commuting Sounds | imitate your travels |
3-split | an improv inspiration for listening and reacting |
ABP128 | set of nine basic sounds rite |
Acapella Harmonies | long concurrent tones sung |
ACSRS64 / Sitting Room Song | extending a phrase to end tutti rite |
Adder! | extending the chain of sounds |
Agents | looking for your sound pair or spotting misfits |
Angelic/Devilish Choir | conducted level of discord |
Animal Sounds | making sounds and guessing |
Antakshari | a word-chain game popular in India |
Apocalypse | moving through a web of one-word prompts |
Attack of the Rhythm Dancer | theatrical competitive piece |
AWEP172 Exploration/Creation | inspired actions rite |
AWSS169 Write a Rite | immediate writing and performance rite |
AWZK170 | mind-body connection rite |
Balloon Stomp Legacy | a variation on a noisy classic |
Bees | communicate with a kazoo and body movement |
Body Band | body percussion loops |
Bottle of water | sounds of water event |
Bounce-the-sound | hot potato for music |
Boy & Girl Clap | complex rhythms played after body positions |
Calls, Canto 5 | phone underwater event |
Calls, Canto 6 | talk to envelope event |
Cantus Firmus | slowed down phrase used as a background |
CCAR17 / Accompanying Rite | accompaniment and solos rite |
CCDCR132 / Daisy Chain Rite | an accompanied duo rite |
CCQR133 | basic stochastic music rite |
CCSBR7 / Stupid Book Rite | stupid book rite |
Cellular Constellation | math automatons for changing who plays |
Cempekitien Oxorciko #25 | changing letters in a text |
CFIRT146 | newspaper score rite |
CFS32 | sitting still rite |
CFSNAP!R148 | an adaptation of a card game Snap |
CH27 | eye contact and doing nothing rite |
Chansonnée | music based on a song description |
CHMR89 / Military Rite | laying down rite |
Choice 10 (R. Bozzi) | fighting over violin event |
CHSTBOR15A / The Broken Object Rite | broken object rite |
CHTHOR15 / The Hidden Object Rite | hidden object rite |
CHTIGR20 / The Island Game Rite | island game rite |
Circle of 5 | playing and collecting musical parameters |
CJ81 | silence split rite |
CMH-CR135 | hand-cuff rite |
Comping Game | jazz drumming exercise |
Composition Exercise #113 | a joke on Schönberg |
Conductor (T. Wishart) | assemble fixed sounds of singers |
Conductor's Remote | a situation of strong asymmetry |
Convergent Ostinato | making a random pattern typically harmonious |
Conversations | assuming a personality to play |
Count to Three | body percussion as numbers |
Creating Soundscapes | workshop process for soundscapes |
Danger Music Number Seventeen | screaming |
Danish Clapping | independent clapping decisions |
Developing a Linear Rhythm | additive rhythm for aural learning |
Dice Contract | with risk of playing many rounds |
Diced Events | roll for musical aspects |
Dimensional Exercises | following a simple line drawing or a few |
Divider! | split a melody by notes |
Djent Game | a wild exercise in polyrhythms |
Draw It Yourself | ideas for fun with graphic scores |
Drip Music | dripping water event |
Drive in Burger | learn a rhythm while performing other |
Dueling Bumblebees | playing with semitones |
Entitled Piece | one of the loosest text prompts possible |
Even Divide | moving over the image cards to split |
Event Lists Game Template | a game of many games, yet very simple |
Event:10 | match lighting and bell event |
Evolution of music | moving up and down the event list |
Exotic Constellations | weird line-ups |
Exploring Polyphony | conducting to create harmonic patterns |
EZ179 | unique long tones rite |
Fairy Tale | just follow the narrative |
Feeling Time | subdivision of a pulse exercise |
Fingernail Piece | writing on nails and paying attention to fingers |
Flipping Orders | doing the opposite warm-up |
Fluxfestkit Legacy | musical scores of the Fluxus movement for a workshop |
Flying Voices | body movement for melody memorization |
Follow the Images | easy introduction to open music with visuals |
For 3 Groups of Singers | repeating phrases given by dice |
For a Drummer (for Eric) | drum like never before event |
For Lonely Musicians | a graphic score in a form of a crossword |
Found Sound | playing with found sound |
FRLMDP47 (F. Rzewski) | Les Moutons de Panurge piece as a rite |
FRR80 | talking in gibberish rite |
Game in Ear Training | repeating phrases with a blindfold |
Game Over | musical interactions with cue cards |
GC166 Sweet Singing Rite | gargling covers rite |
Générique | playing after role-played discussion |
Hand Piece (With Memory Function) | training for Cobra |
Harmony Duets | harmonizing in turns |
Harmony-Tag! | everyone's sound switched on and off |
Head Shoulders Knees Toes | body movement and shouting warm-up |
Hello! | names in a rhythm on six |
HMSCR104 / Commentary Rite | commentary rite |
HMSIR5 | reflective rite |
HMSUR103 / Unknown Rite | spreading a secret plan rite |
Houdini Exercise | playing with your hand tied |
HSDN01 / Drum No 1 | drum pulse rite |
In Unison (E. Williams) | looking for unison event |
Inspiriodical | get inspired by a headline |
Into the Labyrinth | steer by sound |
Into The Labyrinth, lvl 1 | includes an app for solo tries |
Jeu Des Moutons | a variation over Les Moutons de Panurge piece |
JNWWR37 / Winning Word Rite | winning word rite |
Keychange Game | roll dice to change key |
Leading And Guiding | following sound |
Leading by a Sound | leading sound (extension) |
LH158 Set Strategy Rite | matching or opposing rite |
LH159 Pop Rite | dance not to a song |
Live Music / The stave game | walking on five lines |
Loop Cycle | enter, follow, join, leave — an algorithm |
Magic Music | direct the action by the volume of music |
Make Way | moving over the image cards to avoid others |
Maths for Music | a way of translating numbers to pitches |
Mating Game | animal pairs group chaos |
Melody-Go-Round | passing short melodies in rhythm |
Modulo Game | math results in changing length of entries |
Mood Guessing | many moods at once |
Motive | calling and responding to composed motives on cards |
Movement for Ears | ideas for interpreting physical movement |
MPIR106 | entry queue rite |
MPNR21 (Night Rite) | exceed your neighbour rite |
MPR109 | split time rite |
MPSACR142 / Solo and Chorus Rite | antiphonal singing rite |
MSCR108 / Conversation Rite | following topics rite |
Musical Bingo | a straightforward bingo adaptation |
Musical Brouhaha | find your teammates by sound |
Musical Chairs | a parlor classic in the most musical form |
Musical Dixit | an adaptation of a board game played with images |
Musical Tetris | fitting your sounds between others |
Musical Tetris, lvl 1 | simple game based on rhythm and musical skill available also to non-musicians |
Mutual Prescriptions series | CBN's piece about range of parameters |
Names & Body Percussion | names loop warm-up |
Nightlife of Machines | conducting results in changing length of entries |
Offbeat Metronome | a challenging practice method with a metronome |
One Into Another (for music) | an adaptation of one of surrealist games |
One Round Together | moving over the image cards to stay together |
Opus 25 (E. Andersen) | object and system event |
Opus 27 (E. Andersen) | long violin tone event |
Orchestra of the Junkyard | found sound workshop |
Organic Music | breathing in rhythm event |
Parallel Tunes | improvise with verbal signals from all players |
Pass the Sound | miming and sounding, pair by pair |
Patch Exchange | playing on an unfamiliar instrument |
PDIR3 | random quarter line-up rite |
Perception 4 | a very quiet duet |
Personal Postcards | postcards workshop |
Phrase Dealer | deal short phrases and keep players attentive |
Piece for Any Number of Vocalists | concurrent independent songs |
Polyfill | dropping a fill-in after a your polymeters coincide |
Possible Flux Performance or Postfluxgame | letting the balloon go event |
Postcode Percussion | generating rhythms from postcodes |
Progressions | from one chord to another |
P-S-Rock | guessing, counting, playing three moods |
Quotas | prescribed amounts of notes |
Rainbow No.2 for Orchestra | amateurish major scale event |
Rhythm Ball | sport with drums |
Rhythmic Breathing | pulsed breathing warm-up |
Riff Jamming | rhythmical layers |
Room Score | pointing to places |
Rotary Jam | switching duos |
RSIRNT101 | reading by the candle rite |
Rubber Kip | a quick fun shouting warm-up |
Running Cues | making the conductor moving to reach players with cues |
Sea-game game | based on CBN's parameter piece |
Shogi Composition | graphic score creative process |
Shuffled Cues | conductor has limited options of cueing the players |
Signals Game | rhythm from gestures |
Silent Concerto | cooperating on a composition without talking |
Six Stroke Phase | learning polymeters process |
Snippets | a very short fragment of music for inspiration |
Song Association (game/mechanic) | find a song with a given word and perform it (+variants) |
Song of Uncertain Length | bottle balancing |
Song Performance (game/mechanic) | sing a song with obstacles |
Sound Collage Game Board | a board with graphic prompts to traverse |
Soundtrack! | illustrate a narrative |
SS155 Willy Nilly | fun sounds orated rite |
Staircase | solos limited by note numbers |
Stamp Clap Name | learning names on a pulse |
Stay In Character | check a "Melody" character for a solo run, if you know a bit of music theory |
Step In / The Echoing Well | shout into the well warm-up |
Stones | stones found sound workshop |
Stones (C. Wolff) | from: Christian Wolff, Prose Collection (1968) |
Supersound! | coming up with new sounds |
Symphony No.3, Fluxversion 1 | falling of chairs event |
SyndaKit | pre-composed phrases interacting |
Ten Arrangements for Five Performers | a single arrangement |
Textmusic 3 | CBN's cards piece from 1975 |
Textures | X-tech accompaniment |
The Audition | judged competition in subgroups |
The Birth of Music | memorization and improvisation workshop |
The Freemasons | mysteriously stylized conducting exchange |
The Impersonator | famous person musically illustrated |
The Ping Pong Ball | reactions to imagined object warm-up |
The Rhythm Mill | move rhythm around the body warm-up |
The Snake | guided gestures and sounds |
The Songwriter's Notebook | a solitaire about/for making a song |
The Tear and Fold | paper inspirations workshop |
The Yell | sound texture in a grid |
This Instrument is Not What it Seems | faking one instrument with another |
Three-note Jam | start from a narrow pitch set |
TMCR39 / Cards Rite | playing 'good' or 'bad' sounds depending on a card |
Trading Fours Battle | judged percussive exchanges |
Travel Routes | using a map for reading music |
Trigger Cards | Cards that trigger events |
Tuning in | from dissonance to consonance |
Two-chord Jam | improvising to two random chords |
Two-headed Soloist | improvise a melody one note at a time |
Uluk Rain Ritual | a micro-rpg framed as a ritual |
Variations on a Theme | story-to-music in five steps |
Vocal Band | circlesongs process |
Volume Waves | emergent structures from adjusting your volume to other players |
Waking Up Australia | rhythmic warm-up with a loud stomp |
Walking Score | objects for musical ideas workshop |
What You Hear Is What You Get (To Do) | closely following the soloist |
Where Are We? | guessing the soundscape |
Who Started It? | guessing the leader of the group improvisation |
Whoop Event | run around and yell event |
Winking Murderer: The Musical | a classic children games adapted to sounds |
You Made Your Bed | mixing unknown samples |
Zen Vaudeville | shoe tapping event |
Zip Zap Zop | spatial reactions warm-up |