Pieces by Tag

AMAPFALAP. As much as possible from as little as possible.
AP. Actual Play is a type of RPG media, but in board gaming, the abbreviation is used for a design issue: Analysis Paralysis
BCG. Basic Conducting Gestures, a set of gestures that are often used in music games.
BGG. A common shorthand for Board Game Geek
DAW. Digital Audio Workstation
EC. [The] Exquisite Corpse, an abbreviation for the most famous surrealist game
FROMG. The First Rule Of Music Games: "The main aim of playing a music game is to play good music".
GDQ. Games Done Quick, a charity event about speedrunning.
GM. Game Master
IEM. Improvised experimental music
LARP. Live action role-playing
NPC. Non-player character
OP. Overpowered [about a strategy or an element of the game]
RPG. Role-Playing Game, a game where the main focus is assuming the role of a fictional character.
VGM. Video Game Music. Soundtracks of computer games.
XP. "Experience points" — gathered during some games to gain upgrades.

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