The Daily Create

The DS106 Daily Create is at Somewhat uniquely, this prompting initiative started as a part of a university course in 2012.

It proposes inspirational cues daily, and is not focused only on music, but is suitable for all art fields. Some cues are doable in many forms and some are very specific. Additional gamification is achieved through leader boards which count the number of participations.

Audio category

At the time of writing, about 3% of prompts were marked as "audio" type, while the pool was dominated by "photography", "visual", and "writing". The "audio" type may mean also making art from musical inspiration. Interacting with audio apps is also popular, as it is accessible while leading to attractive sound results.

The prompts are licensed as Creative Commons, but there is a lot of embedded media in use, so probably the licensing is more complicated, an ellipse "[…]" will be used for those. Below is a selection of prompts suitable for live, improvisational performance, with 1 of them tagged for inclusion in the full list of games.

Performable audio prompts

See also other prompting initiatives:

  • Disquiet Junto — a prompting series with a "high concept" approach
  • Music Weeklies — online community with "music for listening" style and VGM connections

21 cues from this source

Random scores with cues from this source:

A Single Random CueGOTO ScoreBubblesHorizontal Vanilla

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Unless stated otherwise Content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. See licensing details